Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Final day of filming

For our last day of filming we needed to get shots of the male character who the audience see in the morning routine leaving the house and getting hit by the car. This day of filming proved quite challenging because we had to get the character getting hit.

We managed to figure out a way of doing it by shooting from inside the car as the car is still and to have the male character ( our actor Dan Finn) roll onto the bonnet of the car. this took several attempts. We also had to get shots of the other character driving the car and of his foot slamming on the breaks. We will speed up the car footage of the car driving past to give it an illusion of going faster. Again we took it in turns to film, record sound and to help compose the shots.

For the last part of the days shoot we went to my dads house to shoot the bathroom scene. We wanted to get the mirror fogged up so that in the over the shoulder shot of the 1st male character washing his face his identity would still be hidden. We did this using a kettle. After it boiled we ran it into the bathroom and steamed up the mirror. This proved really effective and the shot went really well.

When we got back we started editing all out footage together, incorporating the music and everything.

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